Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My new website!


My Website

Just in case you found yourself on my blog and would like to take a look at my website. http://www.oberg-photography.com

New Year- New Dreams- New Beginnings

A little history- Photography has long been a passion of mine... it just seemed to have gotten lost for a while. My husband suggested that I begin classes because he knew how much I loved photography. I had shown him all the old pictures from the days when I had the dark room. He knew how much I missed it. But SO much has changed since the days of enlargers and chemicals. So- early in 2009 I began taking photography classes and LOVING them.
I'm not sure how thrilled the rest of my family is about it now though. They have grown tired of being my models. Sorry! ;)
Things have sort of started rolling from there. People have liked the pictures I have taken and actually started paying for them!
I know I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I am constantly practicing and trying out new things that I have read about or seen.

Reason for the Blog-
I want to start a journal of my photographic journey. I want to watch and hopefully see myself grow as a photographer.
